SLOW SEX EXPERIENCE Red light Amsterdam Happening!
Looking back I can say that it’s been perfect the way it was. Not being able to do the exposition in the way we had it in mind gave an even deeper and more truthful experience. Being looked at from the outside as if I was a sex worker (which of course I was in their eyes), was […]
Slow Sex Experience
Tuesday, 27th August, the day before the exposition was supposed to start: We had just moved half of our household into the Red Light District for the SLOW SEX EXPERIENCE pop-up project in order to make it ‘super gezellig’ (very cozy) in our contemporary working space for the upcoming days. At around 6pm we received an […]
It takes the whole city of Amsterdam to raise a business
I remember very clearly how I took Berber aside last year in August to share with her my ideas about this business idea I’ve had in mind already for a while – creating a platform for storytelling tours with a social impact. The season had just ended, I had made enough money giving tours to […]