Empowerment Courses


True change comes from within. All our courses are designed to empower you to create positive change into your life. We offer tools that have helped us personally and professionally to work from our core, from our authentic self. Yes, we want you to be the best version of yourself and to realize your true potential! 

It's crucial to get closer to yourself. Take time to be by yourself. Sit down and write down your thoughts. Creativity needs space to flow, give it to yourself!


It takes courage to talk about yourself and even more to  have a look at what you can change. We decided to design this course because making a change is not easy. It does not depend on how much money you have, creative product ideas or hours you put in. It depends much more on making the right change, the one that matters to you.

Especially in these times, many things what you can do are limited, we’ve noticed friends getting stuck on how to achieve their dreams. You have to readjust, maybe change jobs, different strategy and it’s easy to get lost. So when the outside world is shaky and insecure, who do we need to turn to to know where to go? Ourselves. Cause what doesn’t change is WHY YOU DO IT – what is your purpose?

We have felt very lucky over the last year to be able to continue to work, definetely not in the same way, but still with the same purpose. So we would like to share this with more people. Are you ready and do you dare? Sign up for the next course! 


Storytelling is such a powerful tool to get closer to yourself and to communicate with the world around you. Our storytelling course offers a deeper understanding of why stories matter and how to find yours. What do you want to share with the world? We will provide you with effective tools to find, create and share your own powerful story. 

Weather it’s for a Ted Talk, campfire night or as self-development tool, stories connect and empower. Due to COVID we have gone online, being able to share stories with people from all over the world. But no worries, as soon as we can we will take the stage again. Do you want to perform on our next storytelling night? Join an introduction class online. 


For all women that want to talk about stuff they have never dared to talk about. The Yoni Walk is a pioneering 6 weeks online course that brings together sexuality and empowerment. With a group of diverse women we break taboos and uncover layers of ourselves. We help you to create a positive relationship with your body and become aware of what makes you feel alive. 

The power of this course lies in the supportive circle of women and the internal work that you do each week. After 6 weeks you feel the confidence and courage to continue this journey on your own. Ready to find our and expose who you really are? Sign up for the next course

Thanks to all the beautiful people that have participated in our first online courses, giving us their full trust, support and open hearts. 

A special thanks…

… to the loving and wonderful Kerys and the Sunshine House for hosting the Yoni Walk together

… to Dieuwke Reuvers sharing your inspiring story and skills in the Reinvent Yourself course

… to Mahara for offering us a beautiful space for storytelling


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