Slow sex


For over a decade Katjalisa has been doing research in the famous Red Light District. As an anthropologist, a tour guide and even by getting behind the windows herself. Her experiment to develop new ways of sexual connection started the journey of slow sex. What originated in the district known for sex as consumerism, has grown out to be a growing movement. 


Sexual energy is the most powerful energy there is. Let’s fucking own it! How can we decolonise our (sexual) conditioning and break through unhealthy patterns so that we can fully unfold our (sexual) potential? 

The Slow Sex Experience empowers you to connect deeply to yourself, to feel what is present in you in each moment and to communicate your boundaries in a non-violent way. In a safe space we experience how intimacy and connection can be created in almost an instant even with a complete stranger or with a long term partner and how we can transform the sexual energy that might arise in an encounter for healing. 

You will learn how to access and listen to your most hidden sexual desires and how to build a healthy and respectful relationship with your body – which is a sacred temple, a portal to immense pleasure and joy, a highway to heaven…

DO YOU WANT TO experience a new way of connection with you co-workers, partner or yourself?

The Slow Sex Experience is an eye opening and healing experience for everyone who is longing for creating a new kind of connection. I have given slow sex workshops around the globe to tourists, couples, companies or at conferences! 

Try it yourself! If you have any questions, please contact our Community Manager Sophie Brokmann through: or +316 242 806 58. 

The Slow Sex Experience is an eye opening and healing experience for everyone who is longing for creating a new kind of sexuality. A sexuality that is about deep intimacy and connection to the higher source, cultivating creativity and enhancing life energy.

  • breaking patterns and conditioning of your sexual behaviour
  • learning how to access your ‘full body yes’ and your ‘full body no’
  • setting and expressing boundaries in a non violent way
  • figuring out what you actually like

You are highly encouraged to take the tools you will be provided with out of the context of sexuality and to translate them into your every day life. It will transform all your relations!

The key is going slowly and without goal orientation: We need to take out speed big times in order to be able to feel what is really alive in us. Let’s explore which realms open up if we consciously chose to switch off google body and take another route other than the ‘highway to orgasm’

An important tool we work with is communication:  We need to learn how to communicate our needs, desires, boundaries in a healthy way.

A new realm we explore is energetic love making combined with breath work. You are being invited to move beyond the physical body and explore:

  • How we can touch each other without using physical touch
  • How we can move and play with energies
  • How we can use our breath as guide and guardian

SLOW Sex SUMMER TOUR in amsterdam is happening!


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